3 Post-Click Landing Page Lessons You Missed

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    Even if you didn’t miss these lessons, there’s a good chance your own post-click landing pages could use a little upgrade. These 3 tried-and-true tricks are core to the structure of a good post-click landing page, and they have something important in common…

    They rely on psychology to make you money.

    And why shouldn’t they? You’re marketing to people after all – what are you going to use instead? Cat psychology? The purpose of advertising is to persuade. Imagine a world in which advertising wasn’t persuasive. How many great products would you miss out on because you clicked out of a dull ad?

    In fact, how many great products have you already missed out on thanks to crummy marketing? The thing is, if your product is truly worthwhile, then persuasive advertising is in the customer’s best interest. For example, you wouldn’t advertise a powerful new way to manage personal health by showing pictures of bored, drab people doing uninteresting things.

    You’d lose customer interest, and they’d be worse off for it.

    A win-win scenario looks like a good, compelling marketing strategy for a valuable product that improves the customer’s quality of life. To that end, here are 3 fundamental ways of grabbing a prospect’s attention with a strong post-click landing page.

    #1 Harpoon Those Wiley Prospects With a Turbo Title

    Did we get you with this crazy subtitle? 

    Sometimes, wild is the way to go. That’s because headlines (titles, subtitles, etc.) attract more attention than the main copy of any given page. Weird, right? About 97% of the writing work goes into the body content, so it’s ironic that what really makes or breaks so many pages/articles is nothing more than a snappy title. 

    This title from Mooala is a great example. Bananamilk? Don’t you want to read more to find out what that is, if only out of pure curiosity?

    Image courtesy of Mooala

    It was once observed that a full 8 out of 10 people tend to read the headline, yet just 2 are likely to read the main copy. So with that in mind, your post-click landing page needs a title with big bolded words at the top. “Power” words are a common way to entice visitors into clicking – these are exciting words filled with emotion, like “shocking” or “savage.”

    The title should also give your readers a reason to actually delve into the content. This is best done by using the title to actually indicate the benefit you’ll be providing via your product/service. And you have to do this quickly too. If you don’t get down to the point and say what you can do for them, they are likely to take off. They’re not here to listen to someone ramble. They want whatever you’re pitching.

    #2 Use Visual Media that Will Dazzle Your Prospects

    We often think of vision as the chief sense among our famous five. If you had to choose a sense to lose forever, there’s a very good chance you would not choose sight.

    This may be a big part of why images and videos feature so prominently in successful advertising. It is probably uncontested as the most powerful method of pulling attention to your products/services. The information you can convey through imagery travels faster and in higher volumes than that conveyed in the written word. For example, you can take the time to read this description of a 5-person family (father, mother, sister, brother, and infant) having a picnic on a red-and-white checkered blanket on green grass below pine trees, or…

    You can just look at a picture of it.

    Image courtesy of Heystack

    Looking at Heystack’s graphic the information instantly floods your brain with no effort, you see, feel, and relate to how complicated business operations are. You can’t even help it. That’s why infographics, video clips, pics of people experiencing clear emotions, and similar media are so useful. They rapidly communicate the benefits of whatever you’re offering, and they do it before the prospect even knows what’s happening.

    #3 Social Proof

    As with the above section on visual media, don’t simply tell your prospects how they’ll benefit from your offer—show them. In this case, though, we’re talking about social proof. We’re a social species, and until we all morph into man-machine hybrids, social proof will always one of the most intuitively compelling forms of evidence you can provide.

    Image courtesy of Casperhttps://casper.com/

    Consider how much time, money, effort, and talent go into a movie trailer. And it’s not that the trailer isn’t effective, but you know what’s significantly more impactful than the technological marvel of the modern trailer?

    The recommendation of a trusted friend.

    More people will pay for a product or experience when it’s advertised via social proof. It’s in our biology. You know an ad has a vested interest in getting you to try their offer—money! But if your sibling tells you that some new app is a real life changer, what’s in it for them? With no clear financial incentive, it seems like your sibling is genuinely impressed by this product.

    And it doesn’t have to be a close social relation either. Testimonials from strangers, in great enough numbers, can do the trick as well. Positive reviews, case studies, and other forms of social proof can be incredibly persuasive to a prospect thanks to the way our brains are wired.

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