Why First-Party Data is Essential for Online Businesses

March 10, 2023

The digital advertising and marketing landscape is shifting to become more privacy-centric. Consumers want privacy, and governments are agreeing they should have it. In response, the entire industry is rolling out first-party data solutions which will allow you to use your owned first-party data to each people online instead of the data collected by third…

How MPA supplements Used RAEK to Grow Email Marketing List by 1.3K Subscribers

February 3, 2023

Download a copy of this case study to share with your team THE CHALLENGE: Grow email marketing list above and beyond the forms and pops we are using to capture emails. THE OUTCOME: RAEK added an additional 1.3K subscribers to MPA Supplement’s email marketing list in the short time it’s been installed on their website.…

Combining Email and SMS Messaging for Larger Gains

January 27, 2023

If you’ve read anything about SMS open rates, you’re probably ready to jump on the SMS messaging train, but don’t leave email in the dust. Correctly combining email and SMS messaging will increase the reach of your campaigns and leading to more sales.  Why You Need Both Email and SMS Messaging in Your Marketing Toolkit…

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leader explains lead generation

Lead-Generation Know-How for Novices: A Beginner’s Guide (6 Steps)

Ready to kick off your first marketing campaign but not sure where to start? This guide is for you. Even if you’ve been around the marketing campaign block a time or two, it doesn’t hurt to review the essentials. Here are the 7 steps you need to cover from conception all the way to testing…

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Easy, Flat-Fact Guide to Return-on-Ad-Spending (ROAS)

If you’re into marketing, you’ve got to analyze data and gauge the efficacy of all your marketing efforts, from marketing campaigns right down to individual blog articles. That means you’ll need to get comfy with a bit of math! Even if finance and mathematics aren’t your go-to Friday night fun machines, you’ve got to at…

email app in inbox for marketing

8 Email Apps That Light Up Inboxes Like Christmas

Email was kind of like the earliest form of social media. It wasn’t “public” in the same way that Facebook and Twitter would become, but you were digitally communicating with other people—sometimes large groups of them at once—at the click of a mouse. Given how fast the internet moves, it’s honestly pretty remarkable how email…

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Rake in New Clients with 3 Compelling Referral Strats

In business, referrals really can’t be underestimated. For small businesses in particular, referrals are a major source of leads. Heinz Marketing once reported that 40% of leads were obtained via an official referral program. Wow! It also reported that among businesses with referral programs, 70% at least met their sales goals within a given period—and…

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Keep an Eye on These 8 Key Performance Indicators

Managing a business business blog? You probably know by now what a commitment you signed up for! Google wants fresh content, and it wants it right now. So if you aren’t churning these bad boys out on the regular, you will likely find yourself falling behind the curve. Not good in the days of digital…

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9 SEO Tricks to Grow Your Business

Put simply, every business relies on content and SEO to spread its message and grow its profits. That’s why it’s absolutely crucial to understand what SEO is, and how to optimize your website for search engines. These days, it really is nothing short of imperative to improve your SEO strategy in order to help your…

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4 Customer Target Types for Straight-Shooting Marketers

We talk a lot about marketing to segments of customers, but there’s not just a single way of defining or segmenting your audience. As you build your ad campaigns, think about the following categories of segmentation and which might best serve your business. #1 Geographical Segmentation (The Basic One) Geographic segmentation is the simplest, most…

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3 Ways to Find New Clients Without Spending a Fortune

Business owners know that if they want to generate more clients, they need to find ways to promote their services and find new customers. The best way to do that is to generate new leads, but is that something a local business owner can do? This may sound like a challenging task, but maybe it’s…

woman drilling wall with electric drill

Stop Selling the Drill (Sell the Hole Instead)

Often, people buy things in order to solve a problem. This doesn’t have to be a “problem” in the traditional sense – it could be buying plastic doubloons to decorate your pirate room at the office. Not having enough doubloons can (technically) be seen as a problem. This kind of thing isn’t purchased because it’s…



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